6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

PINTEREST Pinterest is a online pin board which has a large range of photographs that can relate to everything. I used Pinterest to make a board on our film. I searched up different words which relate to the film and it took me to photographs of everything that related to it. Pinterst Link

Is a presentational tool, you can choose templates to make the perfect chart for the subject. I used it to create a chart with information about audiences. My Piktochart

BLOGGER Blogger hosted all my academic work and links to other peoples blogs where I can get help with my own work. I can also connect to the class blog and where my work can be seen and marked.   Blogger Link
I used Twitter to research other films and I looked at the way there advertisement was presented for my own film.  

I used SlideShare to present my research on film openings to get a better understanding of what I have to involve in mine.  Slide Share Link


SNAPCHAT I used snapchat to talk to my group to plan by making a group chat. 

WHATSAPP I used whats app to create my character profiles, showing texts from one of the characters. 

GOOGLE DOCS This is a sophisticated and flexible tool that enabled us to work collaboratively on the same documents.  We used it extensively when creating the shot list, the call sheets and the scripts. Everyone in my group can edit it and view it at anytime. 

This is a online  organisation website where you can make check lists and tick the completed tasks off. It helped me organise the tasks that I had to do. 

EMAZE Like Slideshare, Emaze presents work visually with beautiful graphical tools and accepts PowerPoint uploads.

TUMBLR Is a online social media site which is similar to a blog but is most focused on photographs with captions. Our group made a tumblr account for our film to distribute it further.

PADLET  is a virtual wall that allows people to express their thoughts on a common topic easily. We used this to share photos and make posts about our film and any ideas that we had. 

MOBILE PHONE I used my phone to talk to my group and keep in contact for filming location and production ideas. 

 DIGITAL CAMERA Canon D550, D650 

You may make your production company ident in After Effects (or STOP FRAME ANIMATION)

FACE BOOK The group made a Facebook account and page for our film to use as distribution. 


You can invite feedback about your production using FaceBook, where other people can view it and give there opinion. 

1 comment:

  1. Clear evidence of a wide variety of new technologies in the research, planning, construction and evaluation stages. This answer works best where you have evidence in the form of screenshots and hyperlinks.
